Master Cards at the TAC Championship?

Begonnen von Arctic Jack, Di, 14. Jul 2015, 19:08

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Arctic Jack

Which Master Cards, if any, are used in the TAC championship? It seems to me like using them all will add an awful lot of randomness and chaos.


Hi Jack,

usually you play TAC always with all four mastercards. So you will at any tournament.
Just while learning TAC you might leave the mastercards out of the deck.

So - randomness is a part of TAC and a big part of the fun ;-)
But randomness plays a much smaller part as it might look like - we calculate 30% randomness, the rest is calculation and a big part of teamplay.

TAC Verlag
Herr Kai Angne

Blumenthal 1
86551 Aichach
Telefon: +49 (0)8137 629080

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